Monday, August 17, 2009

Time to Come Back

Unplanned hiatus, I guess. Not that I haven't had the urge to write, or things to write about, for that matter. Somewhere between travel, actually putting serious energy into the job search, and just being I've been a neglectful blogger. That said, hello again world!

The Gathering of the Vibes festival = awesomely relaxing and fun. Massive rainstorms the first day created the requisite muddy field for festival-goers to dance in. There was a point on the second day, listening to JJ Grey & Mofro, when Kevin looked over at me and said I looked miserable. At first I was annoyed... and then I realized that I'd been standing there, barely moving aside from flinches every time mud or beverages were spashed on me, clenching my jaw, and looking around at all of "them" - the people around me enjoying the show. He was right... I was acting like I was miserable. And for what? His simple act of pointing out the expression on my face created an amazing inner shift. I wore clothes that could get dirty (and subsequently washed). The music - though I'd never before heard this band - was fantastic. No one around us was being rude or outrageous... they were just letting the music take them over, and having FUN. So it only made sense that I, too, should forget all my stupid little worries, let go of whatever unrelated thoughts trailed through my mind, and just ENJOY my surroundings. And I did. I must say, the rest of the weekend felt wonderful.

Coming home from that, I felt recharched, energized, and truly ready to find that good job for myself. I scoured site after site, discovered new sites, filed a grillion applications, and finally contacted two temp agencies (though only one got back to me). I suddenly feel more ready than ever to work again. I'm almost too antsy for my own good, but I'd rather feel that than the blah that keeps me lazing about my apartment. I even got one request for an interview! It would be soooo good, too. A 15 minute walk from my house, at the fantastic university of my dreams, in a program office that deals with politics and the press. The world would be hard pressed to put a more suitable job in my path. The downside? She emailed me the day before the midwest trip, and needed to schedule interviews while I was away. Ack! She did tell me to contact her when I got home, to see where things stand, and potentially still come in for an interview... though I'm waiting on her response now. I'm not a fan of the waiting. However, I am excited that finally someone wanted to interview me, was intrigued by my resume, and interested in potentially hiring me. It gives me hope that forward movement will happen soon - in some direction or another.

In the one area of my life that IS progressing nicely, the wonder continues. Kevin not only survived the intense four state, meet a million people tour of the midwest. I'd forgotten how, um, "particular" my dad can be when packing and driving on road trips. I was irritated almost instantly - in that way that we all regress a bit when faced with people from a past era of our lives. I love my parents... but adult Gwen should not plan trips that involve travelling with them. Kevin, however, was not nearly so bothered. Even faced with the craziness of my sister's living situation, the (literally) dozens of relatives - including many young children - he had to meet, and excessive amounts of driving... Kevin maintained a level of contentedness throughout the trip, and was my source of calm and happiness in the crazier moments. Not only did we never tire of each other, I was downright excited to share it all with him. To fill in those missing pieces of my story that can only be explained through direct experience.

Since we've been home, I have continued to feel antsy at home, and energized in the job hunt... despite having no progress to report. And Kevin has started to really talk about us moving in together next summer. It all feels very exciting, but I'm so ready for it all. Bring it on, world. Let's go.

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