Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Get To Go To Work Tomorrow!

OK, it sounds a lot more exciting than it really is... but still. I have to get up and go to work for the first time in over 14 months. It's something different to look forward to.

It's just a two day temp job, Friday and Monday. According to my agency guy I'll be "filing my face off". He said something about moving files from one place to another and organizing them... and then Monday reorganizing them and moving them back to the first place. Hrm... But hey, it'll pay me a little bit (all of $11/hr... ooh la la). And it's a step in the right direction, at least. And if I want, it can be something current to add to my resume. (Though I may wait until there's a second temp position before I do that... we'll see. Depends what I actually end up *doing* at this assignment.)

In other news on the job front, I had a phone interview on Tuesday. And feel pretty positive about it. I'll know sometime next week if I'm one of the finalists being called for an in-person interview. And he guaranteed I'll hear from him one way or another... which I certainly appreciate. Limbo is far worse than knowing I didn't get something. This interview was for an Assistant to the Director position at a nutrition research lab run by Tufts and funded by the USDA. Not a dream job necessarily... but it sounds like a pretty good job at least. I'd get experience in the education/research program management arena and would get to develop special projects for myself in helping to run the center, and the boss seems like a good guy to work for.

I've also been seeing more interesting openings posted in other areas... a few good ones at Harvard (including a center for educational research to improve teaching and learning)... and some textbook publishing openings again as well (including content writing and editorial assistant jobs for some social studies materials).

On other fronts... meh. Not so much progress to speak of. I still have not been to the gym. Especially bad since the month is about to end... and I haven't gone at all this month. Argh. I have not done any yoga or pilates DVDs at home either. While there have certainly been fresh vegetables in my diet, there's also been an awful lot of cheese. And pizza. Oh the pizza. And chinese food delivered. OK, that was only once recently... but still. I'm still eating WAY too much... eating out of boredom, eating out of habit, eating because it's there, buying more food because I'm not paying attention to what I already have, eating mindlessly... My brain has basically been shut off. All of this is NOT going to add up to me subtracting pounds. Not good. Hopefully getting my arse up for work in the morning will spur on a weekend involving some kind of physical activity and smaller portions.

For now, laundry, vaccuuming, litter box cleaning... and enjoying the gorgeously cool weather that has finally descended upon us.

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