Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh So Much Going On

And yet, only a little progress.

My calendar looks so lovley and full this month. How wonderfully real that would be if I had a job! Heh. The social aspect of all this activity - 4th of July party, HS reunion, Gathering of the Vibes music festival (starting tomorrow) - is feeling really great. And it's reinforced for me how much I love my friends, and need to be in regular contact with them. And SEE them in person. I was also reminded how lovely it is to just get away from my regular life for a couple days. A change of surroundings can give me so much energy. The bright side of all this is that I've still got a couple of upcoming trips to look forward to. And I've been stepping up efforts to get together with friends and do fun things - even useful fun things like buying paint with Courtenay for her new house.

On the other side of this "full" July calendar, I've not been as dedicated to my job search as I feel I should be. I've seen a good number more job postings than usual - but haven't stepped up the number of emails and apps I send out. I've made a list of very specific goals for each day of next week on the job front - and hope that since I was so clear with myself, I'll keep to it. The one that seems most important to me is contacting the agency my friend recommended, in hopes that they are filling some of the good positions I've seen posted.

Fitness front: not doing so well in getting to the gym. I've been a few times this month - and the month is coming to a close soon. I've rolled out my yoga mat a few times as well - including once at Krissie's on reunion weekend... quite proud of myself for making that happen. However I'd still like to see myself doing it more regularly.

Food is still mixed, though I maintain that summer is generally a healthier season for me because I so love the fresh produce. Last weekend I visited the Allston Farmers' Market and instead of dinner, I just chopped up veggies and ate them with some dip. YUM. Perhaps not the most balanced approach, but man was it delicious. Today I'm hitting up the store to make sure there are delicious and healthy foods available this weekend as we're camping in CT.

In a more internal place, I've been craving a major change... though I have yet to really define it. I know intellectually that a good job would fill that need. But I have a feeling it will be more expansive than that. I've also been - for no good reason at all - kind of stifling my expressive desires. I don't know where that's coming from... but on that front some change is coming. I can't stand holding it back.

For now though, practical (yet fun) needs prevail. I've got to get ready to leave in the morning to enjoy a weekend by Long Island Sound listening to music and hanging with good friends. :-)

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