Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wasting A Few Days... What's New? Getting Past That.

So the last few days have been kind of useless. I've had brief moments of potential... quickly buried by, well, the blah. Too much sleeping, lots of couch-lump tv watching, and eating too many foods that do not give me energy.

I need today to be different. And thanks to my excessive napping yesterday evening, it has already started on a good note. (Way to connect a negative into a positive, right? Hehe.) I lay in my bed this morning, awake and looking out the window, watching the daylight come into being and break up the clouds. It was beautiful. I love the visual quality of morning light. I love the sounds of the birds waking up and welcoming the day. I love the smell of morning - enhanced today by some neighbor's coffee-making at 5:45am. Just the whiff of it made me ready to get up and move.

I got up and made my own coffee and a delicious breakfast of eggs with mushrooms, tomatoes, chives and cheese. I would've loved some toast with it, but my bread was way past its prime, so oh well. I watched the early morning news, and stood on my porch with my coffee... leisure at its best. I was just overtaken by the feeling that today will be a really good day, full of possibility, action, and joy.

My plans for the day include a little laundry (need gym clothes so I don't have any excuses not to visit the gym in the coming week!), the cleaning and organizing of my bedroom I've been thinking/talking about for weeks, some kitty-related cleaning, reading on my porch later (if the rain holds off), and hitting up the noon yoga class. Yes, the Kripalu one that I missed last week. Yay!

Feeling good so far! And hoping you've got some joy this Saturday as well!

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